Dear Friends in Christ, 
The first reading of today’s Mass tells what happened when the Israelites lost their patience after the journey to the promised land started to seem way too long to them. They got bit! Let’s learn from their mistakes and keep walking with Jesus on the road to the cross and, eventually, new life.

Tomorrow evening I will be holding a teleconference with the members of the Parish Pastoral Council. We will be talking about how to make sure everyone in the parish is well during the emergency, and what we can do to help the needy at this time. We will also work out a plan to allow parishioners to pick up blessed palms on Palm Sunday.

Sincerely, Yours in Christ, Fr. Thomas Buffer, Pastor


  • HOST Guild Meeting

    September 9, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    Foeller Hall

    Monthly HOST Guild meeting. All women of the parish are invited.


    See more details

  • Legion of Mary Meeting

    September 11, 2024 @ 9:15 am - 10:15 am
    Foeller Hall

    Legion of Mary Weekly meeting.

    See more details