The Liturgy is the source and summit of our lives as Catholics. At Sacred Hearts, there are many opportunities to support this central ministry.
If you’d like to be part of our liturgical ministries at Sacred Hearts, contact the parish office.
Altar Servers
The altar server is a member of the assembly who assists the Priest during the Mass and other liturgical ceremonies so that the liturgy can be conducted with grace and reverence. Servers should be active and full participants in the celebration with the understanding that they are first and foremost members of the assembly.
Parishioners in third grade and above who have received First Holy Communion are welcome to serve. All servers will receive training before being added to the regular ministry schedule.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) performs a great service to the Church by distributing Holy Communion to God’s people on those occasions where there are an insufficient number of priests and deacons to distribute Holy Communion to the people present at the Mass. They also regularly bring Communion to the sick and the homebound. Serving as an EMHC requires preparation and training.
“When Sacred Scripture is proclaimed in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his word, proclaims the Gospel.” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal no. 29)
Lectors are members of the parish who proclaim the Word of God during the liturgy. The ministry of Lector requires skill in public reading, knowledge of the principles of liturgy, and an understanding and love of the Scriptures. Lectors prepare themselves to proclaim the Word of God through study, prayer, and practice.
Sacristans support the priest and liturgical ministers in the preparation for the Mass. They arrive early to set up the liturgical books, altar linens, and other items for the Mass and remain after to help put things away. This is a valuable ministry that allows the celebrant and other ministers to focus on carrying out their duties with prayerfulness and reverence.
Our Ushers help create a welcoming sense of belonging for all who visit Sacred Hearts for Mass. They assist people with finding seats, help collect the offertory during Mass, and hand out bulletins to the faithful as they exit.
Music Ministry
The music program at Sacred Hearts parish works to add beauty and solemnity to our sacred liturgies to glorify the Lord.
Sacred Hearts has an active music program open both to experienced musicians and to anyone who wishes to learn more about sacred music. Parishioners assist as cantors and as members of instrumental ensembles such as brass quartets. If you are interested in sharing your talent or joining our program please contact our Music Director, Angela Carbetta.